Goodbye College of Law

GSU College of LawTen years ago, the College of Law at Georgia State University  trusted me with their web presence. We have all grown since then, the College, the web sites, and especially, me. The College is a great place and dispels all the  (mostly) undeserved jokes about lawyers. It was great to be part of the good the College provides to the community, such as the Tax Clinic and the HeLP program. I was blessed to have a supervisor, Terrance Manion, who put up with my strong opinions and my return to school. Yesterday was my last day as a staff member  with the college – the longest that I have stayed with a single employer.

Tomorrow, I embark on the next stage of my journey with a summer internship with the Grady Hospital Chaplaincy Department. In addition to giving up a paycheck, I will also be missing most of this summer’s Peacemakers camp  for the first time, after 16 years.

As Ray Bradbury encouraged, “Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.