
I could not have made these statements alone. In addition to all of my teachers, professors, friends, family, ISP, web host, contributors to WordPress, everyone who invented the www/Internet (Al Gore and Tim Berners-Lee in particular),  etc., etc. you get the idea….


This is a list of influential authors and books cited on this web site. While I have tried to be complete, my apologies to any inevitable omissions…

  • Adams, Scott. God’s Debris: A Thought Experiment. Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2004.
  • Buddha. The Dhammapada: The Sayings of the Buddha. Translated by Thomas Byrom. 1st edition. Vintage, 2011.
  • Hanh, Thich Nhat. Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life. Random House LLC, 1991.
  • Knitter, Paul F. Without Buddha I Could Not Be a Christian. Oxford, England: Oneworld, 2009.
  • Lederach, John. The Little Book of Conflict Transformation: Clear Articulation of the Guiding Principles by a Pioneer in the Field. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2003.
  • Paul, Sheryl. “Love Is Not the Absence of Fear.” The Huffington Post. Accessed March 3, 2016.
  • Thandeka. Learning to Be White: Money, Race and God in America. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2000.
  • Volf, Miroslav. A Common Word: Muslims and Christians on Loving God and Neighbor. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2010.
  • “A Common Word Between Us and You.” Accessed March 3, 2016.
Direct contributors to this effort

I tried to search down any IP owners… sometimes I gave up trying to sleuth out origins. I feel that I am under fair use for anything that originally had a copyright, but if you are the owner and dispute this, please get in contact.